SUDS Porous Resin Surfacing
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are designed to manage water runoff to reduce the quantity of surface water that drains into sewers from driveways, paths, patios, courtyards and paved surfaces.
SuDS manages rain water where it falls on hard surfaces ensuring that it drains into the surrounding substrate and reducing the impact on our sewerage system.
Since 2008 SuDS regulations have applied to new driveways to address the issued of water flow into street drainage and recommend that all new driveway installations adhere to SuDs guidelines.
SuDS Compliant Porous Resin Bound
The Addagrip range of resin bound surfacing systems are available in 6mm and 10mm aggregate blends that offer porous, SuDS compliant options when installed onto our recommended porous base build ups. Allows water to drain naturally into groundwater or into watercourses.
Terrabase Rustic resin bound surfacing, our minimum/no-dig paving installed onto a compacted type 3 provides excellent porosity due to the 10mm aggregate size and minimal base build up.
Addaset, Addabound, Terrabound, Stonebound available in a 6 and 10mm aggregate blends offer good flow rates and can also be installed with the Terrabase system as a Terrabase Classic which provides greater porosity.
Perfect for domestic and commercial projects for both pedestrian and vehicle traffic where drainage is a key consideration. Ideal for areas subject to flooding and flood defence schemes.
Please note that resin bonded systems are not permeable and do not offer a SuDS compliant surfacing solution. Resin Bound 3mm aggregate blends offer a semi-porous paving so are also not SuDS compliant. When using non or semi-porous products, soakaways and ACO drains should be installed to prevent run-off which could lead to flooding.
Features and Benefits
- Porous – allows rainwater to drain through the resin bound surface into sub base or directed into water storage system
- No surface water – reduces surface water runoff and potential flooding risk
- Reduces pressure on drainage systems – rainwater soaks away into substrate
- Minimise watercourse pollution – captures contaminants including oils and heavy metal
- Water Recycling – rainwater can be harvested and reused for watering schemes in gardens etc
BBA and EPD Certification
We have a range of SuDS compliant resin bound surfacing systems that carry BBA and EPD certification.
Addaset, Addabound and Terrabound are BBA and EPD certified
Terrabase Rustic and Terrabase Classic are EPD certified
Both BBA and EPD certificates are available to download.

"The Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre has been open for the last six weeks. We’ve been very busy and the Terrabound looks as good as the day it was laid. While the surrounding surfaces have been covered with water and mud, it is very gratifying to see lovely dry, clean golden Terrabound next to it. The main courtyard previously used to flood regularly and, with our drainage interventions and the porosity of the Terrabound, I am very pleased with how the surface has performed so far, even with an extremely high water table.”
Jacqui Van Bommel, Landscape Officer at Bournemouth Borough Council
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