What is SuDS? And What is SuDS Compliant?

Cover image with three resin bound installations for a blog on SuDS.

As urban areas continue to expand, managing water runoff becomes increasingly important to prevent flooding and water pollution. This is where Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) come into play. In this blog, we’ll explain what SuDS are, why they are essential, and how resin bound surfacing can be SuDS compliant.

SuDS Explained

What is SuDS?

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) are designed to manage stormwater runoff in urban areas, mimicking natural processes to control and clean water before it enters the watercourse. Unlike traditional drainage methods that quickly channel water away, SuDS focus on slowing down and treating water to reduce flood risk and improve water quality.

Key Components of SuDS

SuDS incorporate various techniques, including:

  • Permeable Surfaces: Materials that allow water to infiltrate through them, reducing surface runoff.
  • Green Roofs: Vegetated roof systems that absorb rainfall and provide insulation.
  • Retention Basins: Areas designed to hold water temporarily, allowing it to infiltrate or evaporate slowly.
  • Swales and Filter Strips: Shallow, vegetated channels and strips that slow down runoff and filter pollutants.

The Importance of SuDS

Flood Risk Reduction

SuDS help manage the quantity of surface runoff, reducing the risk of urban flooding. By allowing water to infiltrate the ground, SuDS minimise the volume of water that overwhelms drainage systems during heavy rains.

Water Quality Improvement

As water passes through SuDS components, pollutants are filtered out, improving the quality of water that eventually reaches rivers and streams. This is crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems.

Groundwater Recharge

By promoting water infiltration, SuDS contribute to recharging groundwater levels, which is vital for maintaining a stable water supply, especially in areas dependent on aquifers.

Is Resin Bound Surfacing SuDS Compliant?

Water Infiltration and Surface Runoff

One of the significant benefits of resin bound surfacing is its permeability. Resin bound surfaces consist of natural aggregates bound together with resin, creating a porous surface that allows water to pass through. This permeability helps manage surface runoff effectively, making resin bound surfaces ideal for SuDS.

Water Retention Explained

By allowing water to infiltrate through the surface, resin bound surfacing reduces the volume and speed of water runoff, contributing to water retention and reducing the burden on traditional drainage systems.

Benefits of SuDS Compliant Resin Bound Surfacing

Environmentally Friendly

Resin bound surfacing aligns with environmental sustainability goals by promoting natural water management processes. It reduces the impact of urban development on local watercourses and supports biodiversity.

Aesthetic Appeal

In addition to their functional benefits, resin bound surfaces offer a wide range of aesthetic options. Available in various colours and finishes, they can enhance the visual appeal of driveways, patios, and pathways.

Low Maintenance

Resin bound surfaces are durable and require minimal maintenance. Their permeability helps prevent puddles and reduces the risk of freeze-thaw damage, extending the lifespan of the surface.


Understanding SuDS and their importance in urban water management is crucial for sustainable development. Resin bound surfacing is an excellent option for those looking to implement SuDS compliant solutions. Not only does it effectively manage water infiltration and surface runoff, but it also offers aesthetic and low-maintenance benefits. At Addagrip, we provide high-quality, SuDS compliant resin bound products that meet your needs for both functionality and beauty.

For more information on how resin bound surfacing can be a part of your SuDS strategy, contact Addagrip today. Let’s work together to create a sustainable and beautiful urban environment.