When is the best time to resurface?

Compilation of three resin bound projects and a sunny sky above.

Choosing the right time of year to undertake resurfacing projects is crucial for ensuring the quality and longevity of the finished surface. For resin bound applications, factors such as temperature, humidity, and weather conditions play significant roles in the installation and curing process. In this blog, we’ll explore the best weather for resin bound surfacing, the ideal conditions for laying a new driveway, and why summer surfacing might be the optimal choice.

Best Weather for Resin Bound Surfacing

Temperature Considerations

Warm weather is generally the best for resin bound surfacing. Resin materials cure best at temperatures between 10°C and 25°C. These temperatures ensure that the resin sets properly without becoming too brittle or too soft. Extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold, can adversely affect the curing process and the durability of the surface.

Humidity and Surfacing

Humidity levels can also impact the curing process. High humidity can slow down the curing time, while low humidity can cause the resin to set too quickly. Ideally, the humidity should be between 40% and 70% to allow for a balanced curing process.

Summer Surfacing

Summer is often the best time for resin bound surfacing because it typically offers the most consistent warm and dry weather conditions. The longer daylight hours also allow for extended working periods, enabling larger areas to be surfaced in a single day.

Best Weather for a New Driveway

Stable Conditions

For a new driveway, stable weather conditions without significant fluctuations in temperature and humidity are ideal. This stability ensures that the resin and aggregates bond correctly, creating a durable and long-lasting surface.

Avoiding Rain

Rain can be detrimental to resin bound surfacing. It can interfere with the curing process and lead to an uneven finish. Therefore, checking the weather forecast and avoiding rainy days is essential when planning your resurfacing project.

Best Weather for Relaying a Surface

Mild Weather

Relaying an existing surface requires careful preparation and application, which is best done in mild weather. Mild weather reduces the risk of the resin setting too quickly or too slowly, allowing for a smooth and even application.

Wind Conditions

While not often discussed, wind conditions can also affect resin bound surfacing. Strong winds can blow debris onto the fresh surface, leading to imperfections. Calm days with minimal wind are preferable to ensure a clean and smooth finish.

Curing Process and Weather

Warm Weather and Curing

Warm weather accelerates the curing process of resin bound surfaces. This can be beneficial as it allows the surface to be ready for use sooner. However, it is important to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 25°C, as excessive heat can cause the resin to cure too quickly and become brittle.

Cold Weather Challenges

Cold weather poses challenges for resin bound surfacing. Temperatures below 10°C can slow down the curing process significantly, leading to extended project timelines and potential issues with surface integrity. If resin bound surfacing must be done in colder conditions, special additives can be used to aid the curing process, but these situations are best avoided if possible.

Does Weather Affect Resin Bound Surfaces?

Long-Term Durability

Weather conditions during installation can have long-term effects on the durability of the resin bound surface. Surfaces laid in optimal weather conditions are less likely to develop issues such as cracking, peeling, or premature wear.

Seasonal Maintenance

While resin bound surfaces are durable, they still require seasonal maintenance. Surfaces laid in the best weather conditions typically require less maintenance and are more resilient to seasonal changes.


The best time of year to resurface with resin bound applications is during the warmer months, particularly late spring through early autumn. These periods offer the most favourable conditions for the curing process, ensuring a durable and high-quality finish. By considering factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind conditions, you can plan your resurfacing project to achieve the best possible results.

For more information on resin bound surfacing and to ensure your project is completed in optimal conditions, contact Addagrip today. Our team of experts is ready to provide guidance and support for all your resin bound surfacing needs.

Contact us on 01825 761 333 to discuss.